Friday 9 October 2009

A Healthy Way To Beat Anxiety Symptoms

Exercise is an effective way to decrease anxiety symptoms. There are many physical health benefits to be gained from regular exercise. Exercise can help prevent illnesses, diseases and help boost your immune system.

Mental health and well-being can improve immensely too. You might experience an adrenaline or endorphin rush during exercise, which are the body's natural painkillers and mood enhancers. In addition you will find that your energy increases and you feel less stressed.

Alternatively you can see exercise as a distraction from anxious thoughts. Breaking free from thoughts of worry and apprehension even for just 30 minutes can make a difference. You will feel better about the way you look and this should give you more confidence.

Wanting to exercise and actually doing it are different matters. Most people who don't even suffer from anxiety symptoms find it hard to start an exercise regime. Many people who do start, go overboard the first time and end up giving up straight after.

It's best to start easy and work your way up. If you haven't exercised for a long time, you can try light exercise, like a brisk walk. Start with a warm up and warm down when you finish.

Exercise can be fun and it's not just about doing sit-ups. Try a sport such as tennis or even golf. Kickboxing and martial arts can be fun too. Why not mix things up to make things interesting and do something different every other night? Interested in a completely natural and effective way to beat anxiety symptoms? Click Here.