Wednesday 14 October 2009

How To Reduce Panic Symptoms

Sufferers of panic symptoms are likely to be in frequent states of anxiousness and apprehension. Excessive thoughts of worry and dread might plague them. Panic symptoms include; choking, dizziness and chest pains.

When panic attacks strike, a sufferer feels immense terror and loss of control. Derealization and depersonalization are often associated with panic disorder. These symptoms are extremely frightening and disturbing for the sufferer.

Generally sufferers find daily tasks more difficult to manage. Panic symptoms can strike at any time making sufferers feel completely helpless. Because of this, they may avoid social situations and even interaction altogether.

Disturbingly panic symptoms can take place even during sleep awakening sufferers in confusion and terror. Most sufferers have high stress levels and are easily irritable. Depression affects almost half of people who suffer anxiety disorders. Lack of self esteem and pride are common behaviors.

People who suffer from panic attacks have a much more sensitive stress response system. We all know how bad stress is for the mind and body. Learning breathing techniques isn't a magic pill but can help control and ease panic symptoms.

Reducing stressful hormones in a person that is highly sensitive to anxiety and stress is like removing half the gunpowder out of a canon. Using visualizations such as beautiful scenery can help you relax and escape from daily stresses. Take 10 15 minutes a day to breathe deeply and slowly and see how it affects your mood and panic symptoms.

Discover A Powerful Way To Eliminate Panic Attacks - CLICK HERE